ATTENTION JV Partners And Valued Affiliates
Make Up To N15,000 ($12) Per Sale And Claim Your Share
"A Brand New Offer That Shows Africans How to Land UK, US & Australian Online Jobs Even Without a Degree & Get Paid in Dollars Working From Their Home"
We Teach Your Leads The Hot-Selling Online Skill They Need Then Show Them Where to Go to EasilyLand International Employers With Absolutely No Bachelors’ Degree.
Mark Your Calendar

Pre-launch Starts: 08th May, 2024 12:00PM WAT
Launch Starts: 13th May, 2024 12:00PM WAT
Launch ends:
Here’s What You Need To Do

Step 1: Join Our VIP Partners Team
Step 2: Create a Account & Request Your Affiliate Link

Step 3: We Help Them land a dollar paying Job on International Freelancing websites

Step 4: Get All Promotional Materials for your promotion By clicking the button below
Win N30,000,000
In Opening + Closing Contest Cash Prizes & Cars Up For Grabs
We Go Live In...
You missed out!
Help Your Leads Go From Broke to
Landing an Online Job Abroad In 3 Easy Steps
Step 1: They Join Our Online School
Step 2: They Learn Sales Automation - a Hot selling Skill International Employers are Rushing like Hot Cake right now
Step 3: We Help Them land a dollar paying Job on International Freelancing websites
Below is a Full BreakDown of The Offer
From The Desk Of: Joshua Mba & Czar Nnamani
After creating & and paying almost $1 Million to over 200,000 people in 7 African countries, we are set to put even more money into your pocket with our brand new online school.
Here is the deal -
Do you know that the FASTEST way for a beginner online to make a lot of money is with an online skill?
Think of it! With a skill you:
X Do not need a product
X Do not need a Shop
X Do not even need a lot of Startup Capital.
…all you need is just to learn that skill, get a few tools and you are in business.
For example there are barbers with no shop, all they have are their clippers. Electricians with no shop, all they have are their pliers.
…and still they make good daily income.
It is the same with online skills, the only difference is that it pays even better!
Therefore, if you are looking for a way to give your leads FAST, SIMPLE & EASY results then the best way is through online skills & the only tool you need is the internet enabled device in your hands right now!
But do you know what is better? Imagine if you can help your leads land international paying jobs with that skill!
In fact, do you know that while the dollar was going high - some Nigerians were secretly rejoicing? Because they were landing international jobs that paid them in dollars while allowing them to live here and spend in naira.
Most of these people had no bacherlors’ degree.
Had no previous experience
Some were even stay at home and students
And Their secret was:
A High paying online skill
Platforms where they went to land international employers willing to pay them up to $50/hr
Now we have set out to teach complete beginners how they do it! Everything from a hot selling skill called Sales automation to how they land online jobs in the US, UK, Canada and Australia - from right here in Nigeria (or any other African country).
Inside The PocketMonie Online School
Train. Land a Job. & Get Paid in Dollars
…Working from Your Home with No Bachelor’s Degree
Help Your Leads Go From Broke to Landing an Online Job Abroad In 3 Easy Steps
This Is What People Are Saying About
The PocketMonie Online School

PocketMonie School Taught me how to make money providing simple and execute services for foreign clients. In 45 Days, I have made $8,000 in profit. Thanks you so much!!

Like • Reply • 10h

PocketMonie School Made $2,500 in my first Month with a recurring $1,500 payment for 12 months. I am so excited!

Like • Reply • 10h
Time Is Almost Up, Here You Have 8 Reasons
Why You Should Promote Our Online School!
Reason #1: N30 Million ($25k) IN CASH & Car PRIZES N30M In Cash & Car Prizes Are Up For Grabs, With Profit Making Contests That Anyone Could Win! | Reason #2: 50% FUNNEL COMMISSIONS Receive 50% Commissions For everybody you recommend to our online school! |
Reason #3: PROFIT UP TO N15,000 ($12) PER CUSTOMER Profit Up To N15,000 ($12) Per Customer With A High Converting Sales Funnel Which Is Proven To Convert - Already done for you. Simply Copy, Paste & Profit! | Reason #4: EXPERT COPYWRITER AND DESIGNER Sales Funnel Created By An Expert Copywriter And Designer Who Is Willing To Guarantee The Maximum Conversions! |
Reason #5: SUPER ENGAGING SALES VIDEOS. | Reason #6: HOT AND EVERGREEN Offer This is a very Hot And Evergreen Offer as Everyone needs to make money in Dollars with very little capital. So it will sell for you like crazy! |
Reason #7: UNIQUE Offer | Reason #8: 100% JV SUPPORT We Will Provide Every Single High Converting Marketing Tool You Need From Swipes, Graphics, Bonuses, And Even Our Support To Help You Create Profitable Promotions. |
We’ve Optimized Our Funnel For MASSIVE Conversions And HUGE Payouts
Claim Your Share Of Our HUGE N30,000,000 Cash & Car Prize Pool
Phase 1 - Mega Opening Contest 72 Hour Contest
100,000 in cash price to top seller. Condition (you need to make 2x the cash prize)
Win N100,000+
Phase 2 - Closing Contest
Closing contest - car prizes.
(condition Minimum qualification = 1,000 sales for the Rav4 SUV and 700 sales for the Camry )
Win N10,000,00+
Extra Cash Reward
If this criteria is not met, then your prize money will equal your commissions. Contest Policies: To be eligible to win one of the sales leaderboard prizes, you must have made commissions equal to or greater than the value of the cash prize & The required number for the car prizes
Go HARD for This,
It Will Convert Like Crazy
Thanks For Your Support!
Here’s What You Need To Do RIGHT NOW...
Step 1: They Join Our Online School
Step 2: They Learn Sales Automation - a Hot selling Skill International Employers are Rushing like Hot Cake right now
Step 3: We Help Them land a dollar paying Job on International Freelancing websites
Need Help Creating A Successful Promo?
Or Have A Question About The Launch? Contact Our Assistant
Whatsapp: +2349047688001